
The Creators Essays

ESSAY ONE – ‘ThE SCIENCE ESSAY’ – The nature and origin of universe and infinity

Chapter One

Science [an abbreviation for the consensus of opinion amongst whichever  micro scientific disciplines are in any way connected to whatever  subjects are under discussion] recounts the following story:

In the very first moment of universe, a vast beyond vast quantity of  electrically charged energy begins expanding away from an atom sized  point, at near infinite speed. The quantity of energy, whilst vast beyond vast, is finite and unchanging. The quantities of positive and negative electrical charge are equal. For the ensuing few moments of universe, almost all energy exists in the form of matter and antimatter particle pairs. Which, due to their fundamentally and most corrosively opposed natures, immediately embark upon a period of mass mutual annihilation [i.e. of transformation/ degeneration into a miasma of cosmic phenomena e.g. light, heat, gamma rays, X-rays etc]. Whilst all antimatter particles are annihilated, one particle of matter in every billion survives, and it is the collective of all surviving particles of matter, which eventually combine to form atoms, then later moons, planets, suns and indeed all the forms of matter we see today.

A few reflections:

i] in the first few moments of universe, there exists matter and antimatter particle pairs beyond number, all of which are both created from, and consist of, a single source of energy. Two types of matter, the core natures of which are fundamentally and most corrosively opposed, created from the same source of energy? Well, maybe.

It would seem to me, however, to be both more logical and more likely, that in order to create two types of fundamentally and most corrosively opposed matter, two types of fundamentally and most corrosively opposed energy are required, i.e. energy and anti-energy. And that in the very first moment of universe, there occurred an outpouring, away from an atom sized point, of identical quantities of both energy and anti-energy.

ii] if, within universe, there has only ever existed one type of energy, how come there are two, highly oppositional, types of electric charge? What factors governed the initial allocation of positive and negative electrical charge?

If, on the other hand, there have always existed two types of highly oppositional anti/energy, both of these questions would appear to be automatically answered, either energy is positively charged and anti-energy is negatively charged, or vice versa. And if, within universe, there have always been equal quantities of energy and anti-energy, so there have always been equal quantities of positive and negative electrical charge.

iii] whilst one particle of matter in every billion survived the period of mass mutual annihilation, no particles of antimatter survived.

Well maybe. It would seem to me, however, to be both more logical and more likely, that if universe really did begin with 50% energy, in the form of matter particles, and 50% anti-energy, in the form of antimatter particles, that after the period of mass mutual annihilation, these percentages remained the same. And that any and all mass mutual annihilation surviving anti/particles, owed their continued existence to having joined/melded together. Which is to say, that all surviving particles were anti/particles of anti/matter [i.e. contained equal amounts of both energy and anti-energy], and that it was these surviving anti/particles of anti/matter which eventually [due to their colliding at just the right speeds and angles, and to the forces of attraction and repulsion 

generated by their opposite electrical charge] combined to form the very first and all subsequent atoms.

And not only have all atoms always contained equal amounts of energy and anti-energy, but also all bits of atoms, i.e. all protons, neutrons and electrons. [At this point in the hand made white and black book, the text is accompanied by a picture/diagram. In all there are 9 picture/diagrams, none of which will be revealed here, however, the first picture/diagram in the hand made white and black book can be seen on ‘The Infinity Box’ film, which is being shown on this website, as can the first chapter’s text].

A few questions:

i] for the first 7 billion years or so of universe, the speed of anti/energy expansion away from an original atom sized point gradually slows, as initial momentum decreases. After this time, the speed of expansion begins to increase, and has continued to increase ever since. Why is this?

ii] universe expands away from an atom sized point. Into what? What occupied the space that universe expanded into, before universe began?

iii] if, as science suggests, universe is curved but essentially flat, what exists on either side?

iv] why did universe begin, how and when will universe end?

And so to my theory of everything, which answers all of these questions.

Chapter Two

At the beginning of every universe cycle, two anti/energy lightning strikes, of opposite electrical charge, flash across infinity, one from each half of infinity. The two lightning strikes occur almost, but not quite, simultaneously. The negatively charged anti-energy lightning strike occurs fractionally first, the positively charged energy lightning strike occurs a fractional moment later.

The two oppositely charged lightning strikes, each containing 0.000…1% of their respective [infinite in all directions bar one] anti-energy sources, being propelled, as they are, away from the two halves of infinity, both enter the one and only place that they can enter, i.e. the wafer thin line of separation in between the two halves of infinity, and they do so from opposite sides, at very nearly the same moment in time, on an almost, but not quite, head on collision course, at near infinite speed.

Upon entering the line of separation, both lightning strikes are transformed into oppositely charged, atom thick anti/energy beams. Upon colliding, at near infinite speed and a fractional angle, somewhere within the line of separation, the two atom thick beams, both containing equal and finite amounts [microscopically tiny in relation to infinity, vast beyond vast in any other context] of anti/energy, thereafter remain both bound together and kept fractionally apart, by the interlinked forces of attraction and repulsion generated by their opposite electrical charge, as they spin, spiral and expand away from the atom sized point of their initial collision, creating universe as they do so.

The two atom thick anti/energy beams spin, spiral and expand away from an atom sized point, both lengthways and breadthways in ever widening circles. They also push upwards and downwards, against both force field outer edges of the line of separation, and as a consequence of doing so, that part of the line of separation in which the two atom thick anti/energy beams are contained begins to fractionally deepen.

[As depicted, in the white and black book, by a picture/diagram].

As the two oppositely charged, atom thick anti/energy beams spin, spiral and expand away from an atom sized point, in ever widening and fractionally deepening circles, at near infinite speed, so both atom thick anti/energy beams become more and more stretched, and so become more and more structurally unstable, until eventually, both atom thick anti/energy beams collapse, as in instantaneously and simultaneously disintegrate, into vast beyond vast quantities of oppositely charged anti/particle pairs. There are anti/particle pair collisions beyond number, a vast beyond vast quantity of highly radioactive anti/energy miasma is created.

However, not all anti/particle pairs are annihilated. A small percentage collide and bond with other anti/particle pairs, thereby becoming bigger/gaining more mass, and so collide and bond with more and more other anti/particle pairs, until eventually, some clumps of anti/particle pairs become atoms. Over time, more and more atoms collide and bond with more and more other atoms, and in doing so form ever bigger and more structurally complex objects, e.g. moons, planets and suns. All of which objects are neatly packaged into so many billions of galaxies, all of which galaxies were put and are kept in place by a super massive black hole at their centre. All bar one of the many billions of super massive black holes that come to be, together with the galaxies they put and keep in place, are [more or less] evenly distributed throughout a circular band of universe. The only other super massive black hole that comes to be does so at the centre of universe.

[As depicted, in the white and black book, by a picture/diagram].

The collective force of gravitational attraction generated by all super massive black holes and their galaxies, keeps a firm and consistent grip upon all the vast beyond vast spaces of near nothingness within universe, up to and including the vast beyond vastly distant, wafer thin, circular outer edge of universe.

Chapter Three

For the first seven billion years, of each and every universe cycle, the speed at which all forms of universe anti/energy expand away from and/or rotate around the centre of universe, gradually slows, as initial momentum decreases. At around about the seven billion year mark, two events take place:

i] the speed at which the vast beyond vastly distant, wafer thin, circular outer edge of universe continues to expand away from, whist rotating around the universe centre, decreases to such an extent that what little [if indeed any] force of expansion/rotation remains is overpowered, by the force of gravitational attraction generated by the collective of all super massive black holes and their galaxies. The vast beyond vastly distant, wafer thin, circular outer edge of universe stops expanding and starts contracting.

ii] the double sided dome shaped area of the line of separation directly above and below the main body of universe, likewise stops expanding and starts contracting, as what little [if indeed any] of the upwards and downwards force of expansion being generated by universe anti/energy is overpowered, by the long range force of electrical attraction existing between the two oppositely charged halves of infinity.

[As depicted, in the white and black book, by a picture/diagram].

As the double sided contraction proceeds, so universe is squeezed from both sides, and as the double sided contraction proceeds faster and faster, so universe is squeezed from both sides faster and faster, thereby causing all anti/energy within the main body of universe [i.e. within the double sided dome shape] to expand away from the original atom sized point, faster and faster and faster.

Towards the end of each and every universe cycle, the contacting inwards circular wave of near nothingness first approaches and then inexorably arrives at the outer periphery of the circular band of super massive black holes and their galaxies. There is a period of stand off.

Soon enough, however, all squeezing of universe from both sides very suddenly ceases. The line of separation finally returns to its pre-universe, no bulge anywhere state, of wafer thin uniform flatness. The contracting inwards circular wave of near nothingness surges. All galaxies more or less instantly collapse and are absorbed by the super massive black hole at their centre. All super massive black holes more or less instantly collapse, absorb one another, and are then absorbed in their turn, by the centre of universe super massive black hole.

Just as soon as the centre of universe super massive black hole has absorbed all universe anti/energy together with all universe electrical charge, then it too begins to collapse, i.e. begins to contract/unravel inwards, in the form of two atom thick anti/energy beams, kept fractionally apart by their opposite electrical charge, spinning and spiralling in ever narrowing circles, at near infinite speed, towards the original atom sized point from which universe first emerged, becoming ever more compressed as they do so.

When the two oppositely charged, near infinitely compressed, atom thick anti/energy beams finally arrive at the original atom sized point, from which universe first emerged, being unable to remain where they are and having nowhere else to go, they are instantly and most violently ejected from the line if separation. They are also, in the process of being most violently ejected from the line of separation, most violently wrenched apart, and thereafter travel in opposite directions.

Upon leaving the line of separation, both oppositely charged, near infinitely compressed, atom thick anti/energy beams are instantly retransformed into oppositely charged lightning strikes, travelling in reverse. Both oppositely charged lightning strikes are more or less instantly reabsorbed into whichever half of infinity they originally came from. Thereby returning to source every last drop [and not a drop more] of all the oppositely charged anti/energy expended in the creation of universe.

A fractional moment later, two lightning strikes flash across infinity, one from each half of infinity, a new universe is created.

According to my theory of everything, infinity exists as an immaterial, all pervasive, identical universe producing machine. Which, at the beginning of each and every universe cycle, always expends a certain amount of stale anti/energy, and which, at the end of each and every universe cycle, always recuperates every last drop of all the stale anti/energy originally expended, only now universe refreshed and recycled.

I imagine a rhythmic continuum of identical universes, all created by identical mathematical equation, i.e. 0.000…1% of infinite, positively charged energy X 0.000…1% of infinite, negatively charged anti-energy. All very precisely the same, and all always remaining that way, for as long as they endure. [The question of how long they endure for is a tricky one, even for science. For my own part, I see the always rapidly increasing rate of universe expansion away from an atom sized point, as being entirely unsustainable, and most probably indicative of a very soon end].

I am by no means the first person to propose the existence of such an immaterial, all pervasive, identical universe producing machine. That honour belongs to Alexander Friedmann, who came up with the idea in the 1920s. And for a decade or five, Mr Friedmann’s idea was consistently regarded as a leading hypothesis. For quite some time now, however, science has promulgated a very different view of infinity and universe, and in particular:

i] that the universe we inhabit will continue to expand indefinitely.

ii] that there are an infinite number of universes, scattered throughout an infinite multiverse.

iii] that there are an infinite number of infinities.

And so it is, that with regard to infinity and universe, over the last one hundred years or so, there have existed two, very different, big picture stories.

i] a continuum of extremely neat and tidy, entirely governed by cause and effect and therefore entirely predictable, always rebounding, and always after the same length of time, always identical universes, which always emerge from and return to infinity.

ii] an hallucinogenic, labyrinthine, infinite multiverse [offering no explanation for either how or why it ever came into existence], possessing neither shape nor form nor any identifiable content, where there is only ever probability, of anything. An infinite multiverse of which this current universe is but a tiny part. No other universe follows on from this current universe, or perhaps, in an infinite multiverse, one or two sometimes do.

As to which of these two big picture stories is the more logical and/or the more likely…

I imagine infinity and universe to be inextricably linked, with the former creating the latter. I further imagine that infinity is consistently reflected in universe, and vice versa. That throughout both and fundamental to both there are always the following properties:

i] movement.

ii] mirror image symmetry.

iii] most corrosive opposition, usually referred to as entropy.

iv] vastness, [of time, distance, amount of anti/energy contained etc].

v] immateriality. [For although, within universe, there appears to be some ‘matter’, this concept is largely, if not entirely, illusory. As inside of all atoms there is, more or less, nothing. And even inside of the very few, and very tiny indeed, bits and pieces that do exist inside of atoms, there isn’t much, and nothing that could be described as unendingly and unerringly solid.

vi] a 100% absence of voids/holes/areas of pure nothingness.

vii] equal amounts of both positive and negative electrical charge.


Chapter 1

According to science, there is only one type of anti/energy [being currently unaware of anti-energy, science only sees one type of energy, however, for the sake of textual continuity, I will pretend that science sees anti-energy], i.e. the inanimate anti/energy pure and simple from which universe was created. And it is from this one type of anti/energy pure and simple [via a process of mixing in a special kind of way, certain special amounts, of certain special inanimate elements, e.g. water, heat, light, several minerals/chemicals and maybe electricity], that an animate life and death lifeform is created, which then wriggles away, survives, divides again and again, and so life begins, death comes later.

Well maybe. It seems to me, however, to be both more logical and more likely, that the very first universe animate life and death lifeform, was created by an animate life and death form of anti/energy. Which, from now on, I will refer to as telepathic anti/energy. If telepathic anti/energy exists, then just as with anti/energy pure and simple, it must enter universe from somewhere, i.e. the one and only place outside of universe, namely infinity. Which means that within infinity, there are two, very different, types of anti/energy, i.e. inanimate anti/energy pure and simple, and animate telepathic anti/energy. Which is to say, that the infinite in all directions bar one, inanimate energy half of infinity also contains an entirely separate, immaterial, infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic energy animate cloud. Whilst the infinite in all directions bar one, inanimate anti-energy half of infinity also contains an entirely separate, immaterial, infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic anti-energy animate anti-cloud.

Two infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic anti/energy animate anti/clouds, existing side by side, one in each half of infinity. Two infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic anti/energy animate anti/clouds which, between them, cause at least one most strange and remarkable animatory moment, in each and every universe cycle, and which might otherwise be described as two, infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic anti/energy animate entities, or more concisely as two anti/gods, which is to say, god and anti-god.

According to my theory of everything, infinity always has consisted, and always will consist, of two anti/gods. Or rather, that which makes the two anti/gods what they are, i.e. their infinite in all directions bar one, anti/god anti/minds. Within the white and black book, there are several picture/diagrams depicting the two anti/god anti/minds, one in each half of infinity. The following text accompanies the first of these:

Where telepathic energy is fractionally more powerful than telepathic anti-energy.

Where both anti/god anti/minds consist entirely of telepathic anti/energy and possess two distinct conscious and subconscious realms.

Where both subconscious realms of the two anti/god anti/minds [hereafter anti/god anti/souls] are the infinite equivalent of all life and death lifeform brains, and control all infinite function.

Where both conscious realms of the two anti/god anti minds [hereafter unchanged] are the infinite equivalent of all life and death lifeform minds, in so far as both sleep and dream, both are self consciously aware of themselves as individual anti/god entities, and both also feel. [I imagine both anti/god anti minds to feel infinite feelings, which I take to be one feeling, or rather, one of two most corrosively opposite and extreme feelings].

Where god’s mind feels, and indeed is, the essence of infinite love.

Where anti-god’s anti-mind feels, and indeed is, the essence of infinite hate.

One may wonder whether or not the two anti/god anti/minds think; I think not. Existing, as they do, in tandem with the infinite equivalent of a life and death lifeform brain,, both anti/god anti/minds know everything, and knowing everything have no reason to think.

And then there is sleeping and dreaming. For just as all life and death lifeform minds sleep and dream, so both anti/god anti/minds experience the infinite equivalent. Both anti/god anti/minds fall asleep immediately after expending, between them, 0.000…1% of infinite [universe creating] anti/energy pure and simple. And as anti-god’s anti-mind expends universe creating anti-energy pure and simple, fractionally before god’s mind does likewise, and as both anti/god anti/minds sleep and dream for precisely the same length of time, so anti-god’s anti-mind both goes to sleep and wakes up, fractionally before god’s mind.

Upon waking, anti god’s anti mind knows [knowing everything] that:

i] S/he has awoken fractionally before god’s mind.

ii] That for the microscopically tiny fraction of a second that remains before god’s mind wakes up, god’s mind and soul is undefended.

Such is anti god’s nature that s/he instantly wills a telepathic anti-energy attack upon god’s mind and soul. A telepathic anti-energy attack which anti-god’s anti-soul, in its role as controller of all anti-god function oversees, and which takes the form of an atom thick telepathic anti-energy beam, containing 0.000…1% of infinite in all directions bar one telepathic anti-energy, travelling at near infinite speed, directly towards god’s mind and soul.

God’s mind wakes up just in time to prevent the infinite telepathic oblivion on the verge of occurring, and does so

[such is his/her nature] by instantly willing god’s soul to defensively respond, in the one and only way that god’s soul can defensively respond, i.e. by overseeing the release of a counter atom thick telepathic energy beam, containing 0.000…1% of infinite in all directions bar one telepathic energy.

The two equal and finite, atom thick telepathic anti/energy beams being propelled, as they are, away from the two halves of infinity, both enter the one and only place that they can enter, i.e. the wafer thin line of separation in between the two halves of infinity, and they do so from opposite sides, at very nearly the same moment in time, on a more or less head on collision course, at near infinite speed.

The two equal and finite, atom thick telepathic anti/energy beams meet within the body of the very first life and death lifeform somewhere on a planet called earth. Being entirely contained within the body of the very first life and death lifeform, the two atom thick telepathic anti/energy beams are transformed, into two highly compressed telepathic anti/energy sparks [the highly compressed nature of all telepathic anti/energy sparks will hereafter be assumed].

The two telepathic anti/energy sparks, both of which are carried forward by momentum, approach and come close to one another, are on the very brink of colliding with, and thereby annihilating one another, when a most strange and remarkable phenomenon occurs, namely, a microscopically tiny bubble is formed in between them.

At this point in the white and black book, there exists a picture/diagram depicting a microscopically tiny bubble, both attached to and consisting equally of, two sparks of telepathic anti/energy. [Hereafter all such microscopically tiny bubbles will be referred to as that which they are, i.e. miniature replica versions of the two sparks of telepathic anti/energy that created them. I have named them miniature replica minds].

The following is the accompanying text:

Where the two sparks of telepathic anti/energy, together with the miniature replica mind which always exists in between them, form an interconnected, bound together whole. An interconnected, bound together whole which, hereafter, will be referred to as an atom shaped mind and soul.

Where the very first atom shaped mind and soul, comes to be and is entirely contained within, either some specific part, or the whole of, the body of the very first life and death lifeform.

Where the very first and all subsequent atom shaped minds and souls, consisting, as they do, entirely of telepathic

anti/energy, always remain separate, as immaterial clouds, from the anti/energy pure and simple of which the life and death lifeform bodies they inhabit consist.

Chapter 2

At precisely the same moment, in each and every universe cycle, the very first life and death lifeform comes to be, somewhere on a planet called earth, having been animated by the arrival from infinity, of the very first atom shaped mind and soul. Whereupon, the two anti/soul realms of the two telepathic anti/energy sparks, within the very first atom shaped mind and soul, in their roles as controllers of all infinite function, immediately begin determining everything that the very first life and death lifeform does, including wriggling away.

The fractionally more powerful soul realm of the telepathic energy spark, within the very first atom shaped mind and soul, always ensures that the very first life and death lifeform not only survives, but also reproduces, again and again, an almost identical life and death lifeform body, possessing an almost identical atom shaped mind and soul…

[A process of division, which, due to the vast beyond vast amount of telepathic anti/energy contained within the very first atom shaped mind and soul, to the microscopically tiny amount of telepathic anti/energy required to sustain a single life and death lifeform, and perhaps most crucially of all, to the coming to be of a great many life and death lifeforms, before the first life and death lifeform dies, is able to continue more or less indefinitely.]

… which itself reproduces again and again, an almost identical life and death lifeform body, possessing an almost identical atom shaped mind and soul, and so on. In this way, all such fractionally more powerful soul realms, within all atom shaped minds and souls, always ensure that more and more life and death lifeforms come to be.

Meanwhile, all fractionally less powerful anti-soul reams of all telepathic anti-energy sparks, within all atom shaped minds and souls, always ensure that all life and death lifeforms are susceptible to disease and decay, and that all eventually die, i.e. cease to be animated by an atom shaped mind and soul. All such fractionally less powerful anti-soul realms, whilst powerless to prevent life from proliferating, nevertheless always ensure that death relentlessly pursues life, and consistently culls life, wherever life exists.

Both anti/soul realms of all telepathic anti/energy sparks, within all atom shaped minds and souls, always work towards establishing more and more of a connection between their respective anti/mind realms, and the miniature replica mind which always exists in between them. To this end, the collective of all such anti/soul realms, always ensures that as life and death lifeforms proliferate, so some life and death lifeforms become more and more complex i.e. develop more and more complex bodies, replete with more and more complex bodily organs, and in particular brains.

In all life and death lifeforms that develop brains, the brain is where all atom shaped minds and souls thereafter reside, though whether within some particular part, or the whole of brain is hard to say.

All brains absorb telepathic anti/energy, from the two sparks of telepathic anti/energy, within all atom shaped minds and souls. All brains transform, in various ways, all of the telepathic anti/energy they absorb, and relay some of the telepathic anti/energy they transform, to the miniature replica mind that always exists at the centre of all atom shaped minds and souls.

Courtesy of brains, all [brain residing] miniature replica minds experience a variety of most strange and remarkable experiences. Some of which reflect the nature of one or other anti/god mind, i.e. all sensations, desires and emotions, which is to say, all forms of feeling, the remainder of which reflect the nature of both anti/god minds, i.e. all forms of awareness.

Over time, some life and death lifeforms develop more and more complex brains. More and more complex brains, which provide more and more most strange and remarkable experiences, to more and more miniature replica minds. Eventually, some miniature replica minds begin to experience [arguably] the most strange and remarkable experience of all most strange and remarkable experiences, namely choice. Some, highly limited by brain, capacity to exert will and thereby choose, develops within the miniature replica minds of numerous life and death lifeform species.

The life and death lifeform species within whose miniature replica minds this [albeit still highly constrained by brain] capacity develops the most, is the human life and death lifeform species. And not only do human miniature replica minds, of all life and death lifeform miniature replica minds, come to possess the most highly developed capacity to exert will and thereby choose, but they also come to possess the most highly developed sense of awareness, courtesy of their most highly developed brains, of the two fundamentally and most corrosively opposed, more or less equal telepathic anti/energy forces, consistently working both upon and within them.

One of which telepathic anti/energy forces causes all sensations of pleasure, as in joy, all desires to nurture and/or protect, all selfless, loving and kind emotions/emotional motives, e.g. charity, humility, compassion, friendliness, etc. The other of which telepathic anti/energy forces causes all sensations of pain, as in suffering, all desires to harm and/or destroy, all selfish, hateful and cruel emotions/emotional motives, e.g. greed, pride, envy, arrogance, spite etc.

Slowly at first, and then gradually faster and faster, more and more human miniature replica minds begin to use these two fundamentally and most corrosively opposed telepathic anti/energy forces, which they sense [to varying degrees] to be at work both upon and within them, as a way of both differentiating between and defining, all right and wrong earthly behaviour, i.e. all willed thoughts and actions together with all motives for all thoughts and actions. All selfless, loving and kind earthly behaviour, being generally defined/regarded as right/good/commendable/socially constructive. All selfish, hateful and cruel earthly behaviour, being generally defined/regarded as wrong/bad/reprehensible,/socially destructive.

Eventually, some human miniature replica minds become so able to both recognise and choose between right and wrong earthly behaviour, that they come to be considered, by the two anti/gods, as qualifying for behavioural accountability.

For just as it is with most individual human miniature replica minds which, together with the human bodies they inhabit, gradually develop, from birth onwards, until eventually [generally sometime not long after pubescence] they come to be considered by most other human miniature replica minds, as having attained sufficient ability to both recognise and choose between right and wrong earthly behaviour, as to warrant, thereafter, holding them responsible for all of their willed earthly choices, i.e. all of their willed thoughts and actions together with all of their motives for all of their willed thoughts and actions.

So it is with the human species, which gradually develops, from birth onwards, until eventually first one mature adult [i.e. post pubescent-pre senile] human miniature replica mind, then some, then more and more mature adult human miniature replica minds come to be considered, by the two anti/gods, as having attained sufficient ability to both recognise and choose between right and wrong earthly behaviour, as to warrant, thereafter, holding them responsible for all of their willed thoughts and actions together with all of their motives for all of their willed thoughts and actions.

When their earthly body dies, all human miniature replica minds deemed, by the two anti/gods, to have been responsible for at least one of their willed earthly choices, thereafter experience [some degree of] afterlife awareness, within one or other anti/god mind.

At this point in the white and black book I present a theory describing two, most corrosively opposite, afterlife experiences, and suggest some possible reasons as to how and why all miniature replica minds are divided between them. Such discussions are not for this essay, however, which will now move along to chapter six of the white and black book. A chapter entitled ‘life after death, from the two anti/gods perspective’.

Throughout their earthly existence, all miniature replica minds transform all of the slightly stale/flat telepathic anti/energy they are supplied with, by the two telepathic anti/energy sparks, that all miniature replica minds exist in between, into an unbroken series of earthly experiences and memories of all such earthly experiences, and as they transform, so they renew and recycle, all of the slightly stale/flat telepathic anti/energy they are supplied with.

From the reabsorbtion of all such renewed and recycled telepathic anti/energy, of which all miniature replica minds consist, both anti/gods are telepathically reinvigorated/stimulated; and as the collective of all earthly memories i.e. the subconscious store of all earthly experience, contained within the soul realm of each and every miniature replica mind, is different, so the precise nature of the telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation that each and every miniature replica mind provides, to whichever anti/god reabsorbs them is always different.

In very general terms:

All miniature replica minds that were a part of an atom shaped mind and soul which, during its earthly manifestation, existed somewhere other than within a brain [because there was no brain to exist within] generally provide, to whichever anti/god anti/god reabsorbs them, more simple/basic forms of telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation.

Whilst all miniature replica minds that were part of an atom shaped mind and soul which, during its earthly manifestation, existed somewhere within a brain, generally provide, to whichever anti/god reabsorbs them, more complex/nuanced forms of telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation. The more complex and nuanced the brain, the more complex and nuanced the forms of reinvigoration/stimulation generally provided.

The miniature replica minds which generally provide the most complex/nuanced forms of telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation, to whichever anti/god reabsorbs them, being those miniature replica minds deemed, by the two anti/gods, to have been responsible for at least some of their earthly behaviour, i.e. all mature human miniature replica minds.

Partly because the subconscious store of all earthly experience, contained within the soul realm of all mature human miniature replica minds, generally offers a most complex and nuanced collection of memories.

Mainly because mature human miniature replica minds are the only miniature replica minds, the mind realms of which remain self consciously aware, during their reabsorbtion into one or other anti/god mind, and are the only miniature replica minds, therefore, to provide the two anti/god minds with the most intimate and intense of all forms of telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation, namely the telepathic reinvigoration/stimulation provided by direct mind to mind contact, between reabsorber and reabsorbed, or more prosaically, between consumer and consumed.

Within a particular part, and always the same particular part, of the wafer thin line of separation in between the two anti/gods, there always has been and always will be a continual succession of universe cycles, and as all such universe cycles are created by identical, infinity sized equations, i.e. [in simplified form] o.ooo…1% of positively charged, fractionally more powerful, infinite in all directions bar one, energy pure and simple x o.ooo…1% of negatively charged, fractionally less powerful, infinite in all directions bar one, anti-energy pure and simple, so all universe cycles are identical.

For at least the final 4.5 billion years, of each and every universe cycle, life and death lifeforms always perform in a planet earth play; and as all life and death lifeforms, or more precisely, the atom shaped minds and souls inside them, are also created by identical, infinity sized equations, i.e. [in simplified form] 0.000…1% of fractionally more powerful, infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic energy x o.ooo…1% of fractionally less powerful, infinite in all directions bar one, telepathic anti-energy, so all [at least] 4.5 billion year planet earth plays are also identical, until, that is, some of the actors appearing upon each and every planet earth stage, begin to choose, by force of will, some things for themselves, e.g. where they want the life and death lifeform body they inhabit to go, and what they want it to do once it gets there.

After which:

On the micro scale, of individual awareness, feelings, thoughts, actions, reactions and interactions, all planet earth plays are different, and as more and more actors, upon each and every planet earth stage, develop more and more ability to choose, by force of will, some things for themselves, so, over time, all planet earth plays become more and more different.

On the macro scale, however, due to the collective influence of the two sparks of telepathic anti/energy, within all atom shaped minds and souls, upon both the life and death lifeform body they inhabit, and the miniature replica mind

that always exists [more or less] at the centre of all atom shaped minds and souls, very little, if anything, ever

changes. All, or very nearly all, species of actor that ever appear upon the planet earth stage, always appear at more or less the same time, in more or less the same place[s], and do more or less the same things, in each and every planet earth play. And as the final curtain descends, upon each and every planet earth play, there is always a viral like frenzy of human actors…

As the two anti/gods always have contributed, and always will contribute equally, to the creation of all identical

universe cycles, and all almost identical planet earth plays, and as, via the consistent reproduction and reabsorbtion of all such identical universes, and all such almost identical planet earth plays,, both anti/gods are continually renewed and recycled, thereby ensuring their eternal coexistence,, so it may seem reasonable to wonder if maybe the two anti/gods always have collaborated/colluded and always will collaborate/collude, in the creation of all such identical universes, and all such almost identical planet earth plays.

On the contrary, all identical universe cycles and all almost identical planet earth plays, are created as a consequence of anti-god attacking god.

In each and every universe cycle, anti-god has two opportunities to attack god [firstly with anti-energy pure and simple, just as soon as the previous universe has been reabsorbed, secondly with telepathic anti-energy, the instant that anti-god wakes up, after sleeping and dreaming] and takes them both. For anti-god, the idea of refusing an opportunity to attack god, is quite unthinkable. If there were more opportunities for anti-god to attack god, in each and every universe cycle, anti-god would take them. That anti-god attacks god only twice, in each and every universe cycle, more or less proves that these are the only opportunities to attack god, that anti-god ever gets.

On both occasions that anti-god attacks god, god does what s/he must to survive, i.e. defends him/herself, in the one and only way that s/he is able to defend him/herself. For god not to defend him/herself, when s/he is able to defend

him/herself, would be tantamount to suicide/self murder, an idea which, for god, is quite unthinkable.

In attacking and defending the two anti/gods act according to their fundamentally and most corrosively opposed natures, neither anti/god can do otherwise, both anti/god actions are fundamentally and most corrosively opposed reflex reactions.

As a consequence of the two anti/gods fundamentally and most corrosively opposed reflex reactions, first universe, and then later life and death lifeforms, on a planet called earth, come to be, endure, and then return to their original source in a renewed and recycled condition, thereby ensuring the eternal coexistence of both anti/gods.

Neither anti/god seeks, nor even considers, these or any other consequences resulting from their reflex reactions.

Neither anti/god thinks about anything.

At this point in the white and black book, there exists a final picture/diagram depicting the two anti/gods, one in each half of infinity, together with a summary of who the two anti/gods are, and what the two anti/gods do. As far as this essay is concerned, however, I will conclude by briefly examining three subjects not covered in the white and black book.

Chapter 3

Science and god.

Back in the 1990’s, Richard Dawkins confidently predicted that within the next decade science would definitively discover:

i] extraterrestrial life and death lifeforms.

ii] how to create life and death lifeforms within a laboratory, from entirely inanimate ingredients.

Science has pursued these two two goals for a very long time, and for very good reason. For either discovery would help advance the scientific theory that an entirely inanimate form of energy, somehow or other created an entirely animate life and death lifeform.

If life and death lifeforms are discovered anywhere other than on a planet called earth, so life and death lifeforms immediately become less universe rare, and therefore less of a most strange and remarkable, no other word for it but miracle.

If life and death lifeforms are ever created within a laboratory, from entirely inanimate ingredients, so the scientific theory of life and death lifeform creation would almost be proved. For whilst it might well be feasible for a god or gods to create life and death lifeforms in such a behind the scenes sort of way, the idea seems both illogical and unlikely.

And so it is that science continues to spend vast beyond vast amounts of money each year, in pursuit of these two goals. Thus far science has met with zero success, in either field. Which begs a question, for how long will science continue to spend vast beyond vast amounts of money each year, in the face of such abject failure? Will a time ever come, say in 50 or 100 or 500 years time, when science admits defeat? Will pigs ever fly?

Christianity and anti-god.

Modern Christianity [on the whole] likes to present the image of an all kind and all loving, all powerful god, confronted [if at all] by a far less powerful anti-god.

This idea is problematic, as has been noted by many, and by science in particular. For if we exist in the realm of an all kind and all loving, all powerful god, how are all of the many and varied instances of earthly suffering to be explained? Why does god allow so much torture, rape, starvation, disease, baby battering and/or pregnant woman abuse etc? If, in terms of both human and all other animal affairs, there appeared to be far more pleasure, kindness and love, than pain, cruelty and hate, then the idea of a very weak anti-god, in relation to a very powerful god, would make perfect sense. Instead, what there appears to be, in terms of both human and all other animal affairs, I would suggest, is a state of near perfect balance, existing between two groups of fundamentally and most corrosively opposed feelings. And if this is so, then surely the most logical and likely idea, as regards the respective power of the two anti/gods, is that both are [within a fraction] equal.

If god is all kind, all loving and all powerful, then why and how did god create death?


According to my theory of everything, all mature human minds choose, over the course of their mature earthly lifetime, their own afterlife fate. However, there exists the possibility of another determining factor, namely faith, as in absolute faith. The idea being, that if a mature human mind could, at the point of death, achieve absolute faith in the existence of an all kind and all loving, all powerful god, then any earthly imbalance of sins over virtues, which would otherwise result in an immediate sending to hell, will now be ignored and, instead, heaven will automatically be granted.

Two questions:

Why should this be?

Is there an anti-god equivalent?

The gordian knot like complexity of the problems posed by these two questions, was such as to deter me from mentioning faith in the white and black book. If the concepts of most logical and/or most likely can in any way be applied to the question of what absolute faith may achieve, in terms of influencing afterlife fate, I have been unable to find them. My personal intuition, however, is that absolute faith in either of the two anti/gods could, conceivably, unleash considerable force, easily enough to move mountains, and probably enough to determine afterlife fate.

I do not believe that absolute faith in either anti/god occurs very often. In order to achieve such a closed state of mind, all self will would need to be abandoned, not impossible, but very nearly.


Andrews Writings

Until the mid 18th century or so, British society was almost exclusively controlled by rich and powerful men, from either the aristocracy or the Anglican church, who sometimes were one and the same, and who almost always worked closely together. After that time, whilst both aristocracy and Anglican church continued to wield influence, the level of that influence slowly but surely began to decline. As a new breed of controller began to emerge, of meritocratically selected, most expert men from a number of fields, most notably politics, big [and especially multi national] business, science and technology, law, the armed, secret and civil services. And whilst no formal alliance between all of these newly crowned, meritocratically selected, most expert men was ever made, an informal

alliance was rapidly established. An informal alliance which, as time went by, grew stronger and stronger, and which eventually grew so strong as to become the British State.

Almost all [and quite possibly all] members of the British State club, if asked to assess the impact of all their social controls, innovations and inventions, upon all of the individuals who collectively comprise British society, would confidently assert a period of continual progress, i.e. of improvement/getting better, and in very many ways, compared to what went before. For example, that now, on average, British citizens live longer, possess more knowledge, have more variety to choose from, e.g. of clothes, food, forms of entertainment etc, own more things and go more places. And that as a collective result of all these changes, the average British citizen is now happier/more content, less unhappy/less discontent. This last point is key, as in all of the previous points bar the first [and even then…] the question of more or less barely matters, unless some emotional content is added. In order for more knowledge, or more choice, or more possessions to be of necessarily beneficial consequence, they need to be accompanied by an overall emotional gain, i.e. by an increase in happiness/contentment, or a decrease in unhappiness/ discontent. None of which emotional states are amenable to measurement. Are we happier today than yesterday, or last week, or ten years ago? For how long were/are we happy? Does bursting with pride and/or being calm and serene count as happiness? Some may wish to include the feelings of pleasure and pain in any assessment of change over time, but these are equally immeasurable and equally vague, how to balance and weigh the pleasures and pains of boredom, hope, hugs and strained ankles?

Our inability to accurately measure for either the intensity or duration of emotional states makes it difficult to know, and impossible to prove, which of any two groups of people was and/or is happier/more content or less unhappy/less discontent. And even if we felt that we could, quite reasonably [due to an extremity of difference] assert that one particular group was/is very probably happier/more content and/or less unhappy/less discontent than another particular group of people, such an assessment would be of limited value, as we would then immediately be confronted by another unanswerable question, i.e. by how much?

Such a relativistic interpretation of the human condition creates some problems. And in particular, given the near impossibility of being able to accurately identify any better or worse consequences, resulting from any/all of our actions, how best to conduct ourselves, should ever we wish to do the right thing by, or at least not actively cause harm to, the human species. Such questions are not easily answered, and yet [due to the current worldwide interconnectedness of all things] answer them we inevitably do, and on many occasions, every [conscious] day of our lives.

For any/all people who believe that the last 250 years or so of British State control have, overall, had a beneficial effect upon the average British citizen, the question of how best to

conduct yourself, as regards your role in the future of the human species, is very easily answered, continue as you are and, very probably, you’ll get more of the same.

As for the rest of us, what to do? As of now, within Great Britain, the British State does whatever it likes, wherever and whenever it likes, and we can’t stop them. What we could do, however, is to try. And so to some reasons why we might want to try. All of which reasons concern various giant sized harms, deliberately inflicted by the British State, upon some of the most vulnerable British citizens, over the last 250 years or so. Any one of which giant sized harms, might provide more than enough reason to forever more distrust/ want rid of the British State, and every last one of its controllers.

i] The [mainly 17th-19th century] enclosure movement. Whereby a good many British State club men, stole almost all of the common land, from almost all of the common people. Thereby depriving the common people of any possibility of subsistence, and thus very effectively forcing them off of the land and into the cities. Where many of them soon died of disease, malnutrition, cold and/or exhaustion, and where the rest were enslaved by wage labour.

ii] All British State declared wars [Napoleonic, Crimean, Boer, World Wars One and Two, Falklands, Iraq etc], wherein millions of young men [mostly poor, many conscripted] were mutilated and/or massacred, both in body and mind.

iii] All of the oh so many [mainly 19th century] British State prisoners [mostly poor, mostly incarcerated for little or no reason] subjected to regimes of enforced separation, silence and almost continual hard labour, who were thereby physically broken, driven insane, killed.

iv] From 1880 onwards: All of the oh so many parents and children [mostly poor/all poor] who were imprisoned, and sometimes again and again, for no more reason than a child’s non attendance at a British State school.

All of the oh so many children beaten, humiliated and/or predated upon, in oh so many British State schools, by British State employed teachers.

And all of the oh so many left handed children who were forced, by British State employed teachers, to write right handed. Thereby not only condemning them to a grave academic disadvantage [due to a complete and utter inability to write neatly], but also to lifelong spatial confusion, as the left and right sides of their brain became hopelessly entangled. Sadly, this particular giant sized British State scandal has passed largely unheralded, which in itself is a giant sized scandal.

v] All of the indiscriminate maiming and killing, and not only of humans, caused by all of the giant sized pollutions, from all of the giant sized means of production.

vi] All of the oh so many animals [rats, mice, dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, monkeys, goats etc], oh so horrifically tortured and slaughtered, in oh so many British State run/approved laboratories. And sometimes by the ministry of defence, in even worse places.

Any/all people, who regard any/all of the above [or indeed any one of a great many other such examples] as inexcusable, might have reason enough to try for change, either to the way that things are, or to the way that things are currently changing. Any/all people face two questions, what to try for? How to try? In the spirit of my theory of everything, I suggest the following.

What to try for?
To lessen, if only by a fraction, our dependency upon the ever growing horde of British State controllers.

To lessen, if only by a fraction, our complicity with all that they do.

How to try?

i] No more rights claims. For rights read laws in your favour, and by asking the British State to create any new law, or to amend/quash any old law, whether for you or against you, so you are asking the British State to control you.

ii] No more easy acceptance of the often touted idea that for more women, or for more young, black, transexual and/or disabled people to be granted equal representation in the British State club, would necessarily be a good thing for all of us. Do we want more women as judges and chief constables? Or less judges and chief constables? Do we want more young, black, transexual and/or disabled army generals, cabinet ministers and/or multi national corporation C.E.O’s? Or less of all of these people?

iii] No more forgetting, amidst the cacophony of single issue protest voices, what should be, if harms inflicted by the British State are anything to go by, easily the biggest single issue protest of them all, i.e. the faster and faster widening divide in wealth, status and power, between the disgustingly rich and the sickeningly poor. All other single issue protest groups should be abandoned, until such time as every last one of the sickeningly poor is provided with the necessities of life, e.g. safe, warm, dry shelter, food and water. As of now, all single issue protest groups pursue their own agendas, all are divided, and so all are more easily controlled. All squabble and bicker, women against men, blacks against whites, young against old. This is madness, all the poor together, side by side, is what it should be.

iv] No more voting. Which may seem strange, given the oh so many people who fought so long and so hard for the right to vote. However, by voting for anyone, in any national

election, so we give our tacit approval to the way of now system, we join in. And, whilst we may not like it if a political party other than the one we voted for is elected, we can hardly complain. As of now, all governments claim to act in our name, and so they do, just as soon as we vote in any national election.

As a potential means of change causing, not voting is more or less useless, the British State has seen to that. Nonetheless, it can and does serve a purpose, by reducing our complicity with all of the giant sized crimes that the British State commits. By not voting we deny the British State’s claim that it acts in our name, as it so relentlessly goes about its business, of controlling, maiming and killing.

As of now all political parties are the same, and even if a political party made itself different, e.g. by declaring war on the rich, still we should be wary, for if ever they became our controllers, they would most surely begin to control.

v] Home schooling. For all children between the ages of 5 and 16, a British State education is compulsory. Is such compulsion, as the British State would have us believe, for the good of all children? Or is it more a statement of intent, that the first lesson of compulsory schooling is the learning of unquestioning obedience, and that the British State will brook no dissent?

Surprisingly, given its long and distinguished track record of ruthless efficiency, the British State currently allows [some] parents and children to home school. A practice which, whilst still remaining under British State supervision, at least manages to put some distance between the British State and those whom it seeks to control. All such distance is good distance.

Also, the more home schooling, the less transportation required to take children to school. Making for less toxic emissions, less noise pollution, less maiming and killing [of both humans and other animals] caused by road accidents.

vii] Buy less, want less. As of now, we expect and believe that we need all manner of things, e.g. cars, smart phones, computers, dishwashers, a comfy sofa and/or armchair, gas and/or electricity on tap, occasional holidays abroad… the list goes on and on. None of which things existed 250 years ago, which wakes a lie of the idea that we need them. All of which things have caused and are causing various forms of pollution [via their production, transportation, usage, disposal etc. And all of which things have to be paid for, and therefore need to be worked for, which makes us more dependent upon working, which makes us more easily controllable.

viii] Buy from local, small scale producers, i.e. from artisans. Both in theory and in practice the artisan is key. For here is more or less the opposite of the throwaway, far away, super fast, always changing, machine dominated British State ways of now. Here are slow ways,

ancient unchanging techniques, local people using local, sustainable, non polluting materials, incurring few, if any, transport related injuries or deaths, creating very little transport and/or machine related noise. Here are no bosses always watching, no orders and/or rules to obey. Here are fine skills to be mistressed, and here, barring ill health and granted a modicum of good luck, is independence for life.

Are artisan made things more expensive than their throwaway equivalents? Always, however, given the artisan’s ability and willingness to repair things, her, on average, far keener attention to detail, and her desire to produce things that last for a very long time, so the question as to which of the two is the more expensive becomes blurred.

All things artisanal have been under attack for quite some time now, first from the British State, more recently from the World State. Once upon a time, artisans were many and everywhere, now they are few and in few places. And, once they are gone, as they surely soon will be, so all of their ancient skills will be lost, and so will we be.

In terms of food and drink, I think it helpful to consider all local, small scale providers as being a part of the artisan cause. They have a great deal in common. Both work with their hands, both eschew most machines, both love what they do, which is reflected in all they produce, both are surrounded on all sides by voracious, industrial scale competitors, who would devour them.

For 250 years or so, the British State has consistently enforced its will upon all of British society, and in doing so has very effectively fashioned all of British society, from the top down so to speak. They invented and implemented all new regimes in prisons, factories, schools, asylums, hospices and hospitals. Then they standardised all of these regimes, made sure that all regimes were one and the same British State national regime. They also standardised time, creating a new British State national time, thereby killing all local time. They also standardised language, inventing their own British State national language, whilst simultaneously prohibiting, upon pain of imprisonment, the speaking of all local languages. They also made and passed laws by the thousand, all of which laws told us, in very fine detail, precisely what we could and could not do, in any and all realms of our existence. As of now, the British State bulldozes its way through all local concerns, builds whatever it wants to, wherever and whenever it wants to, as witnessed by the giant sized crime most generally referred to as HS2. Wherein so much green and pleasant was obliterated, for so little reason. For ‘progress’ announced the British State, what a joke.

The most obvious alternative to fashioning British society from the top down, is to build from the bottom up, which is what I believe should be done. Local people deciding all local issues for themselves, e.g. whether or not to allow a new housing estate, or golf course, or nuclear power station to be built, what local laws should exist and how to enforce them, what local taxes [if any] should be paid and to whom. A million or so autonomous village/ hamlet sized communities, all looking after one tiny piece of a very large jigsaw, the whole

of which is thereby cared for. If most, or indeed all, of my suggestions were followed, by a significant number of people and for a significant amount of time, what would happen? Would things be made better? The question is nonsensical. Made better for who, compared to whom? If made better for some people but worse for some others, how to balance and weigh?

As of now planet earth is dying. All ice is melting, all seas are warming, all forms of pollution are increasing, all species of life and death lifeform are under attack, and many/ most are weakening. There are those who believe that we can, as a species, step back from the brink of the ecological disaster that we, as a species, are causing. That maybe science will save us, or that maybe we will save ourselves, by finally seeing sense and reducing our levels of consumption. Well maybe, however, given that giant sized corporations now rule the world, and that the primary aim of all such giant sized corporations is to maximise profit, by persuading as many of us as it can, to consume as much as we can, and preferably of new things, so the prospect of our stepping back from the brink seems unlikely.

After 250 years of British State/World State innovations, inventions and fine mesh social controls, planet earth is dying, and so are we.